Influence of different planting methods on‘Lanyin No.Ⅲ' zoysiagrass soilless sod quality
Graphical Abstract
The experiment to produce soilless sod of Lanyin No. Ⅲ zoysia grass was carried out using four planting methods, including stolonizing + topdressing, stolonizing in-furrow, sprigging, and stolonizing + rolling. The sod quality with different planting methods was studied by investigating turf characteristics during the sod establishment so as to provide the technical reference for the soilless sod production of Lanyin No. Ⅲ zoysia grass. The results showed that coverage, density, uniformity, color, growth speed, and clipping biomass with the method of stolonizing + topdressing were 93.67%, 9 844 plants·m-2, 8.17, 7.6, 4.63 mm·d-1, and 38.91 g·m-2, respectively, which were higher than those of the other three planting methods. The overall sod quality was ranked as stolonizing + topdressing > sprigging > stolonizing + rolling > stolonizing in-furrow. Based on comprehensive analysis of the results, it was considered that stolonizing + topdressing was a suitable planting method for the soilless sod production of Lanyin No.Ⅲ zoysia grass, whereas stolonizing in-furrow was not good due to the slower growth speed, lower coverage, and poor uniformity during the establishment of sod.