Circadian rhythm variation of endogenous hormones in Buchloe dactyloides connected ramets under differential photoperiod
Graphical Abstract
In order to understand the endogenous hormonal differences in Buchloe dactyloides connected ramets under different photoperiods, the levels of four endogenous hormones indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), gibberellin (GA), abscisic acid (ABA) and zeatin (ZR) in buffalo grass leaves were determined using ELISA. The results indicated that IAA, GA, ABA and ZR levels of buffalo grass reveal rhythmic variations on a daily basis, while the endogenous hormone levels of buffalo grass ramets tend to be synchronized even under different photoperiods. After one week of different photoperiod treatments, under continuous light conditions, IAA, GA, ABA and ZR content in disconnected ramets of buffalo grass leaves basically showed the opposite trend within 24 h, however, IAA, GA, ABA and ZR content in connected ramets of buffalo grass leaves were synchronization trend within 24 h.