Development and prospects of forage reserves in Chinese pastoral farming
Graphical Abstract
With the increasing population and corresponding food consumption in China, the demand for animal products such as meat, eggs, and milk has increased drastically. The direction of animal husbandry has largely depended on the demand. Currently, traditional methods of animal husbandry has shifted to more modern means of animal husbandry. However, grazing is a major concern in food production. It is essential for healthy and stable development of animal husbandry to ensure a sustainable food supply. This article examines the problem of forage-grass reserve balance in China, expounds on the necessity of forage-grass reserve construction, and puts forward several suggestions: 1) The current state of infrastructure construction is weak, meaning that the ability to resist damage caused by natural disasters is insufficient, and an increase in infrastructure spending is urgently needed. 2) Reduction in the cost of transport of forage-grass products is needed, through expanding trade and transportation. 3) To speed up the legislative process, improvement in the legal system regulating the use of forage-grass products is needed. 4) Establishment of supporting policies governing the processing and management of forage-grass production is required to allow for social and financial improvements in forage-grass production. These changes will improve forage-grass product reserve and management and play a guiding role for stabilizing forage sustainability.