Diversity and exploitation of the wild woody vines resources in Qiannan,Guizhou
Graphical Abstract
In order to study the current situation of wild woody vine resources in Qiannan of Guizhou Province through field investigation and specimen identification, the species composition, life form, flora distribution, ornamental characteristics, such as diversity of lianas has been systematically studied. The results showed that: there are 478 wild woody vine species (including 32 varieties) in total, belonging to 118 genera, and 45 families, in Qiannan of Guizhou Province. Dicotyledonous lianas dominate, and they belong to 41 families, 111 genera, and 447 species. Monocotyledonous lianas belonged to 3 families,6 genera and 28 species, and gymnosperm lianas consisted of 1 species of a single genus, However, pteridophyte lianas are absent from this area. In a family and genus hierarchy composition, the family with the 2~10 species are the most, and the genera of single species and 2~5 species are more. In terms of lifeform, phanerophyte lianas predominate, accounting for 89.12% of the total number of lianas. In the climbing style, the minorities include hooking, curling, and adhering lianas, whereas the majority are twining lianas, accounting for 46.23% of the total number of species studied. The dominant living habit is of the deciduous type, accounting for 74.06% of the total number of species studied, whereas the evergreen and semievergreen types constitute a lower proportion. The initial flowering period is mainly concentrated in the spring, showing a trend of decreasing the spring, summer, autumn and winter season.The geographical elements are complex and diverse. Tropical lianas belonged to 87 generas, accounting for 73.72% of the total genera. The geographical distribution in tropical Asia was the most common, followed by the pantropical distribution, indicating that the have a tropical origin. In addition, most lianas have important ornamental characteristics, ecological, economic, and medicinal value, and development and utilization potential in the area.