The type and productivity of grassland grazing system
Graphical Abstract
According to the Comprehensive and Sequential Classification System(CSCS), the grazing system is classified into eight categories as alpine steppe, desert, semi-desert, subtropical forest shrub, typical steppe, meadow steppe, temperate forest shrub and tropical forest shrub. The succession stages of grazing systems are original nomadism, extensive nomadism, overgrazing and modern grazing. According to long-term productivity dynamic of three grazing systems, China is still in the overgrazing stage, and converting to modern farming system. Average production capacity of grazing system in China is 18.04 APU·ha-1, and the total production capacity is 6.35 billion APU. The national meat production is 2.959 million t·a-1. The grazing system was structurally overloaded in China, namely the overall overload. Meanwhile, there are still potential increase in seasonal utilization in some region. At present, the potential to increase grassland productivity potential is about 0.5 to 2 times in China, the key measure is the transform into the modern grazing systems in China.