Hyperspectral characteristics of main community types in Wugong mountain meadow
Graphical Abstract
Miscanthus floridulus, Arundinella hirta, Fimbristylis wukungshanensis, Carex chinensis, Sinarundinaria nitida was the dominant species, respectively, of five different main communities in Jinding scenic of Wugong Mountain in Jiangxi Provience. The hyperspectral data of these five different main communities were measured using field portable spectroradiometers (SVC HR 768, USA). The effective characteristic parameters of spectral absorption achieved by three data processing methods including resampling method, first-order differential method and continuum removal method to obtain the spectral characteristics distinguishing these 5 kinds of grassland communities. The analyzed results showed that there was significant difference between the variance analysis of each wave band of these 5 kinds communities and C. chinensis>A. hirta>M. floridulus >S. nitida> F. wukungshanensis based on reflectivity value. There was most significant difference between peak/Valley depth of the 3 wave bands(500-600 nm, 600-700 nm and 1 200-1 300 nm) which achieved by resampling method. The five communities can be well classified using the characteristic parameters related to red edge, yellow edge and blue edge. The maximum difference between aspect rations of absorption valley obtained from continuum removal method can reach as high as 92 which was the most effective parameter to distinguish the 5 communities. The corresponding wavelength position of the peak/trough was the common parameters of five main mountain meadow community.