Effects of thiophanate methyl on seed borne Epichloë fungal endophyte of Achnatherum inebrians
Graphical Abstract
Achnatherum inebrians, a common toxic perennial bunchgrass in natural grassland of northwest China, was studied to explore the effect of systemic fungicide, thiophanate methyl(Tm), on fungal endophyte of A. inebrians at different concentrations and soak times. Tm had five concentrations and five distinct soak times respectively. The results of fungicide experiment indicated that the Tm diluted 100 times (100 Tm) was the most effective, but it significantly (P<0.05) decreased the germination index of seeds. Except the 100 Tm, the 200 times dilution Tm combined with 8 h treatment was considered to be the most effective which reduced the seeds infection rate of fungal endophyte from 100% to 38.8%, and did not significantly (P>0.05) affect the growth of seedlings. In conclusion, without regard to the seed germination index, the most effective way to kill the seed borne fungal endophyte was 100 times dilution Tm combined with 2 h treatment.