The response of plant community characteristics of alpine steppe to thewinter grazing of Gansu wapiti
Graphical Abstract
The nest-style method was used to investigate the response of plant community characteristics to grazing pressure to analyze the position and function of wapiti in the grazing system in the winter pasture of Gansu wapiti in Sunan Yugu National Autonomous County where wapiti has an important effect on protecting, restoring and reconstructing of degenerated grassland ecosystem. This study showed that the plant density, coverage and aboveground biomass increased with the increase of grazing intensity, and they were a linear positive correlation with grazing rate when plant height was below 10 cm. The plant litter biomass reached a peak in wither period (middle October), and it had a significant negative correlation with the grazing rate. The grazing made the plant miniaturization, and the species richness had a decrease trend with the increasing grazing intensity under given grazing rate. A complex interaction relationship between grazing intensity and plant miniaturization was observed in this study.