Effects of chemical mutagens on chromosome doubling of Agropyron mongolicum
Graphical Abstract
In order to improve the forage quality of Agropyron mongolicum and screen the best chromosome doubling treatment, the seeds of A. mongolicum were treated with different concentrations of Colchicine (0.02%,0.05%,0.08%,0.11%,0.14%+1.5% DMSO) and Trifluralin (1,5,10,15,20 μmol·L-1) and the morphology and chromosome number were identified after treatment. The results showed that the surviving plants after treated were mixoploid of diploid and tetraploid. The treatment with 0.11% colchicine 1.5% DMSO for 20 h had the highest mutation rate of 50% and the survival rate of 40%. The treatment with 1 μmol·L-1 trifluralin for 6 h had significant mutation effect with probability of 38.46%. These results provide theoretical and experimental basis for further screening the chromosome doubling plants of A. mongolicum.