Influences of temperature and humidity conditions on flight capacity and main utilization of energy substances in Oedaleus asiaticus
Graphical Abstract
This study aimed to determine the impact of temperature and humidity conditions on the flight capacity and main utilization of energy substances to adults of Oedaleus asiaticus B. Bienko. The flight capability differences between female and male adults of O. asiaticus at 10 day ages as well as the impact of temperature and humidity on utilization of energy substances were studied by a flight-mill method. The results showed that 10 day ages O. asiaticus exhibited the strongest flight capacity under 28 ℃ and 60% relative humidity (RH), the maximum flight duration, distance and speed of single adult reached to 1.62 h、9.87 km and 2.03 km·h-1, respectively. The flight capacity for O. asiaticus was dramatically decreased under 16 ℃ or above 28 ℃. In the range of 40%~80% RH, the flight speed was normal. The relation between humidity and flight distance was similar to flight time. When the temperature increased, the flight time prolonged and the flight speed increased. The results indicated that flight temperature and humidity had significant effects on the consumption and utilization of flight energy substances. The grasshopper consumed less energy materials (triglyceride) when they flew in the suitable temperature and humidity, while consumed more when the ambient temperature and humidity beyond the suitable scopes. The different utilization efficiency of flight energy substances was one of the main reasons leading to different flight capacity in different temperature and humidity.