The influence of roots cutting technology on alfalfa production
Graphical Abstract
In the present study, the production, profits and factors increasing yields of alfalfa treated with roots cutting technology for extending the remaining period were analysis to reduce production cost and improve the economic benefit in Mosso Bay agricultural areas, Shihhotze based on local climatic conditions and drip irrigation technology. The results showed that regreening stage of alfalfa with root cutting advanced 4 days than that of alfalfa without root cutting. For the first four crop, the branch density and height of alfalfa with root cutting were always higher than those of alfalfa without root cutting. The yields of alfalfa both with root cutting and without root cutting were highest in the 3rd and 4th year. The yields of alfalfa in 4th, 5th and 6th with root cutting in 3rd year significantly increased (P0.05) by 14.4%, 29.5% and 26.7%, respectively, compared with that of alfalfa without root cutting. The water use efficiency of alfalfa both with root cutting and without root cutting were highest in the 4th year which was 0.032 and 0.037 kgg-1, respectively, and that of alfalfa decreased rapidly, the same trend for yield. Compared with alfalfa without root cutting, the profits of alfalfa production with root cutting increased by 15.29% from the fourth year to the sixth year. All of these results suggested that the roots cutting technology was very useful to improve alfalfa production in the studied area.