Effect analysis on the combining ability of main agronomic traits for new breeding restorer lines derived from forage sorghum
Graphical Abstract
30 hybridized combinations from 5 sterile lines and 6 restoring lines (IS722 by CK) were used to analyze the heritability and combining ability of 5 agronomic characters with a p×q incomplete diallel cross (NCⅡ) design. The results were as follows:among all the restorer lines tested,only 053423-2 showed positive effect on the 5 traits,especially for the general combing ability (GCA) in biological yields.The 9 combinations derived from TX623A/053423-2,SX14A/053423-2 and SX14A/(MamaMama/BMR)-1 etc.exhibited significant specific combing ability (SCA)and exceeded to IS722.General combing ability of (MamaMama /BMR)-1 in plant height and dry weight were significant and the highest.The combinations V4A/Jianbao-8-2,HC356A/An hui cao No.3,SX14A/Wan xi 3SM3-1,SX7A/An hui cao No.3 and V4A/(MamaMama /BMR)-1showed high biological yield.The results indicated that the 5 agronomic traits were controlled by both additive and non-additive effects,and the additive effects were the principal one. Comprehensive,(MamaMama/BMR)-1 and 053423-2 showed good general combining ability,An hui cao No.3 showed good special combining ability,they are the ideal restoring lines. The heredity of the five traits was in fluenced by the dual influence of both additive effect and non-additive effects, but the additive effect is dominant.The study by means of combining ability and heritability estimates of forage sorghum restoring lines,to understand the combining ability of forage sorghum restorer main characters,and cross breeding of choosing excellent parents and provides the basis for the optimal hybrid combinations.