Tissue culture differentiation and callus induction of different explant from Pennisetum americanumP. purureum
Graphical Abstract
Pennisetum americanumP. purureum has high biomass yield and is currently considered as a leading candidate energy crop around the world. In the present study, seeds and lobus cardiacus tissue of P. americanumP. purureum were used as the explants to determine the influence of different concentrations of 2, 4-D and 6-BA on callus induction and the influence of NAA on differentiation. The results showed that the optimal embryonic callus induction culture medium of seeds was MS+5.0 mgL-1 2, 4-D+0.4 mgL-1 6-BA with 75% induction rate, while that of the lobus cardiacus was MS+3.0 mgL-1 2, 4-D+0.5 mgL-16-BA with 60% rate. The induction rates of seeds were higher than those of lobus cardiacus. The optimal plant regeneration culture medium of seeds was MS+3.0 mgL-1 6-BA+0.5 mgL-1 NAA with 62.5% rate. The establish system for efficient micropropagation could be used for P. americanumP. Purureum genetic transformation and oriented improvement.