Origin of agriculture in Loess Plateau
Graphical Abstract
Agriculture originated in the zonal native ecosystem, the agriculture type of one district showed the conversion of its native ecosystem. Ancient human remained in northwest Loess Plateau appeared earlier than southeastern part, and more extensive distribution as well. Hunting herbivore was the major food source for the human in the whole Loess Plateau. Livestock agriculture which characterized in domesticating animals and nomadism firstly initiated and farming agriculture which characterized in dry farming subsequent emergenced. At the beginning, livestock agriculture and farming agriculture both existed even mutual converting. Farming agriculture became the dominant agriculture type in northwest Loess Plateau while livestock agriculture became the dominant agriculture type in southeastern Loess Plateau after premier community historical stage, and their corresponding agricultural culture confronted each other. In summary, origin of the agriculture in Loess Plateau revealed conversion of grassland ecosystem and forest ecosystem, and grassland ecosystem was the major factor.