Effects of fertilization on yield, quality and economic efficiency of alfalfa in low-yield field in Mingle
Graphical Abstract
An experiment was carried out to study the effects of organic fertilizer with different levels and potash and phosphate fertilizer applications on the yield, nutrient quality and economic efficiency of alfalfa in low-yield fields by a field experiment method,and the orthogonal design was adopted to study the effects of recovering alfalfa productivity in low-yield fields with different levels of fertilizer ratio(organic fertilizer, potash fertilizer, phosphate fertilizer). The results showed that the effects of organic fertilizer and quantitative chemical fertilizer combinging application on the hay yield, nutritional quality and economic efficiency of alfalfa low-yield fields were better than the organic fertilizer (P<0.05). Compared with the control (no fertilizer), all treatments significantly improved alfalfa hay yield in the low yield fields, it increased by 9%~325%. The crude protein content of all treatments were significantly higher than the control, crude protein of M3PK (23.04%) was highest. All treatments significantly reduced alfalfa neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and acid detergent fiber (ADF) content in low-yield fields, the M3PK had lowest NDF (29.04%) and ADF (22.40%) content. In the orthogonal design of organic fertilizer and potash and phosphate fertilizer, organic fertilizer (30 000 kg·ha-1)+phosphate fertilizer (200 kg·ha-1)+potash fertilizer (100 kg·ha-1) was the best combination for alfalfa hayyield in low-yieldg fields. organic fertilizer (30 000 kg·ha-1)+phosphate fertilizer (600 kg·ha-1) +potash fertilizer (100 kg·ha-1) was the best combination for crude protein of alfalfa and organic fertilizer (30 000 kg·ha-1)+phosphate fertilizer (600 kg·ha-1)+potash fertilizer (50 kg·ha-1) was the best combination for NDF and ADF of alfalfa. To compare the cost of each treatment, M3P3K2 organic fertilizer (30 000 kg·ha-1) +phosphate fertilizer (600 kg·ha-1)+potash fertilizer (100 kg·ha-1) ranked first in output, production, net income, with better economic benefits. Through comprehensive analysis M3P3K2 was more suitable to promote for the same low-yielding fields of alfalfa.