Effects of three auxins treatments on cutting rooting of Lonicera korolkowi ‘Zabclii’
Graphical Abstract
Effects of different concentrations (50, 100 mg·L-1) of three auxins: indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) and nappthylacetic acid (NAA) on rooting position, root number and root length of plant were studied on Lonicera korolkowi ‘Zabclii’ with different time treatment (30, 60 min). The results showed that all three auxins promoted cutting rooting. IAA increased rooting rate and root number but inhibited root length in L. korolkowi ‘Zabclii’. The effect of NAA on the promotion of rooting was not significant in L. korolkowi ‘Zabclii’, which only increased the root number (P0.05). Compared with control treatments, 50 mg·L-1 IBA treatments exhibited the best effect on rooting in three auxins, which increased rooting rate and root number with treatments of 60 min. In addition, three auxins affected rooting position of L. korolkowi ‘Zabclii’, which increased the root number in cortex and inhibited the root number in callus. IBA affected the root position significantly (P0.05). 100 mg·L-1 IBA increased the root number of cortex but decreased the root number of callus with treatments of 30 min. Among the effects of three auxins, IBA had the best effect on rooting than IAA and NAA.