The analysis of environmental characteristics about the winter cattle camp in the Tizinafu River using remote sensing technology
Qi Li,
Shu-jiang Chen,
Tie-cheng Huang,
Qi Li,
Tie-cheng Huang,
Xiang Jia,
Meng-yu Chen,
Xiang Jia,
Meng-yu Chen
Graphical Abstract
Nomadic cattle camp is the common rest area by livestock and people. Taking the Tizinafu River watershed as study area, the nomadic cattle camp area was extracted by interpreting Landsat8 OLI images, in order to explore the merits of the mountain pasture and the living conditions of herders. The results showed that: 1)708 cattle camps were maily located in ridge of high altitude, where the slope is gentle, and aspect mainly south and westward, and the grassland are Sympegma regelii desert and alpine Seriphidium rhodanthum stepp desert. The average area of cattle camps is 9 543 m2. The main livestock is Yecheng sheep; 2)The wintercattle camp is located in the area where the snow period is short. The snow melt water is hard to reserve, and the distance and height difference to water source are long and big. 3)The living conditions of winter cattle camp is tough, the temperature is low, fuel is shortage, and far away from residential areas, the transportation is rugged and difficult, and most area is no communication signal covered.