Screening and standardization of seed germination conditions of 9 wild grass species in southern China
Graphical Abstract
In order to provide references for the standardization of seed germination test, nine domestic wild grass species including Arthraxon hispidus, Brachypodium sylvaticum, Capillipedium parviflorum, Eleusine indica, Eragrostis ferruginea, Leptochloa chinensis, Polypogon fugax, Sporobolus indicus var. purpurea-suffusus, Trisetum bifidum were selected to determine the optimal germination and pretreatment conditions by comprising and screening different temperature, illumination, pretreatment and counting time. The optimum germination conditions of A. hispidus and other 7 species seeds were screened according to germination testing, and the first and last counting time were determined based on the germination process. The pretreatment methods of dormancy breaking for A. hispidus and other seeds were recommended. Furthermore, it’s necessary to work out the effective methods for seed dormancy breaking of C. parviflorum and T. bifidum asthere was many fresh and ungerminated seeds during germination experiment.