Habitat characteristics of two dominant small mammal species Eospalax bailyei and Ochotona curzoniae in alpine meadow of Xiahe, Gannan
Graphical Abstract
A 5-year research was conducted on the features of vegetation and topographic factors of habitats of two dominate small mammal species Eospalax bailyei and Ochotona curzoniae in alpine meadow of Xiahe, Gannan. Significant correlations were found between habitat utilization of these two species and vegetation, as well as geographic factors. Plateau pikas preferred sunny middle slope, while plateau zokors preferred flat and sunny lower slope. The coverage was an important factor predicting the presence of plateau pika. Areas with high or low biomass in flat area were more likely to be occupied by both species. Their coexistence last about 3 years. The abundance of four plant species Potentilla anserine, Melissilus ruthenicus, Radix bupleuri and Saussurea pulchra significantly affected habitat selection by both species.