Study on introduction of Galega orientalis cv. Xinyin No.1 to Xining area
Graphical Abstract
Based on the special natural conditions in Qinghai Province and the shortage of leguminous forage grass, the good forage variety Galega orientalis cv. Xinyin No.1 was introduced from Xinjiang and the following cultivation and evaluation were conducted. The results showed that Xinyin No.1 can finish life cycle and normally fruit and rapidly grow which had hay yield of 13 414 kgha-1, crude protein content of 20.28% at the squaring period, stemleaf ratio of 1∶1.58 and overwintering rate of 100%. These results suggested that Xinyin No.1 had good cold resistance, fast growth, high nutritional value and strong adaptability which can meet the demands of Xining regions. The experiment provided scientific basis for choosing and utilizing good leguminous forage grass varieties, and provided excellent grass varieties for the development of forage industry in Xining and similar stockbreeding areas.