Distribution characteristics of Epichloё endophyte in gramineous grasses
Graphical Abstract
In the present study, the internodal region of stems, sheaths, blades and seeds of four different species including Achnatheru inebrians, Festuca sinensis, Hordeum brevisubulatum and Elymus dahuricus were observed by the light microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. The results showed that Epichloё endophyte distributed in all these four tested tissues in each species. The endophyte distribution characteristics in these 4 different species were similar, which included hyphae densely distribution in the internodal region of stems and followed by sheaths whereas sparse distribution in blades. The hyphae were straight or curved and long, thin and unbranched and longitudinally growth in the cell extension direction. In the seeds, Epichloё endophyte hyphae were widely distributed in the aleurone layers of F. sinensis, H. brevisubulatum and E. dahuricus, however, it was sparely distributed in the aleurone layers of A. inebrians. Epichloё endophyte hyphae were also observed in the seed coats and embryos of these four gramineous grasses.