Yield and economic benefit of Brassica napobrassica intercropped with Solanum tuberosum
Graphical Abstract
The yield, land equivalent ratio and economic benefit of Brassica napobrassica and Solanum tuberosum intercropping were studied under field condition. The results showed that the intercropping with interval underground had the highest yield of 159 411.30 kgha-1 and intercropping with underground film interval had yield of 147 431.44 kgha-1. The land equivalent ratio of B. napobrassica and S. tuberosum intercropping were 1.76 and 1.63, respectively, which suggested that intercropping had a yield advantage than monocultured. The economic benefit of intercropping was up to 50 802 CNYha-1, which showed that the intercropping systems had a yielding period more than the moncultured. B. napobrassica intercropping with S. tuberosum in 1∶2 with interval underground part had the best productivity. Intercropping suitable for cultivation in study area.