Effects of sowing date, sowing rate and fertilizer rate on grain yield and agronomic characteristics of Avena sativa
Graphical Abstract
In order to establish the management strategies for high grains yields of naked oat (Avena sativa) in Chengdu Plain, three naked oat cultivars Yanxuan 1, Bayou 6 and Baiyan 11 were used as materials to explore the effects of sowing date, sowing rate and fertilizer rate on the grains yields and agronomic characteristics of naked oat. The results showed the indices including number of productive ear, plant height, growing period and grains yield with the treatment sowing on 1st November (B1) were significantly (P0.05). Maximum yields occurred intermediate rate of sowing (3.60×106 plants·ha-1). The number of productive ear, plant height and grains yield increased with the increase of fertilizer rate (Psowing date>cultivar>sowing rate. Comparing the general score of Principal Components Analysis with the yield of each treatment, the sowing on 1st November was better than sowing on 12th November in oat grains yield. High sowing rate (1.80×106 plant·ha-1, 2.70×106 plant·ha-1 and 3.60×106 plant·ha-1) or high fertilizer rate (600 and 825 kg·ha-1) produced high yield. In general, early sowing (1st November ) with 1.80×106 plant·ha-1 sowing rate and 600 kg·ha-1 fertilizer rate were the best combination for grain yield of naked oat in Chengdu Plain.