Non-use value assessment of the Xinglong Mountain National Nature Reserve in Lanzhou, Gansu Province based on the contingent valuation method
Graphical Abstract
Using the Contingent Valuation Method (CVM), the non-use values and the main influence factors of Xinglong Mountain National Nature Reserve in Gansu Province were estimated and analyzed. The study showed that the non-use value (NUV) of Xinglong Mountain Nature Reserve was estimated to 9 210 million per year, of which its existence value, heritage value and option value was 44.02%, 42.39% and 13.59%, respectively. The reference analysis showed that WTP(willingness to pay) was positively correlated with satisfaction and willingness to pay about Xinglong Mountain Nature Reserve. Using the Logit and Probit model, willingness attitudes have the closest relationship with respondent’s age and income, especially for age.