Spectral features of eight desert range plants on degradation Seriphidium transiliense desert grassland
Graphical Abstract
The characteristics of original spectra, spectra without envelope and the first derivative spectra of 8 desert range plants which growing well on the Seriphidium transiliense degradation desert were analysis and compared in the present study. For spectral reflectance characteristics, there were significant differences among different plants at a specific band with a maximum different value of 40% in reflectance between 760 nm and 930 nm. The reflectivity decreased in the following order: Seriphidium transiliensePolygonum aviculare>Peganum harmala>Eragrostis pilosa>Petrosimonia sibirica>Trigonella arcuata>Ceratocarpus arenarius>Petrosimonia sibirica. The maximum moisture absorption spectral reflectance values was 27% near 1400 nm and the value decreased in the following order: S. transiliense>K. scoparia>C. arenarius>E. pilosa>P. aviculare>T. arcuata>P. harmala. The red edge position (P) of P. aviculare was 708 nm and the values of the other seven plants were same as 718 nm. The amplitude (K) of S. transiliense, P. aviculare, P. harmala, E. pilosa, K. scoparia, T. arcuata, C. arenarius and P. sibirica was 0.925 4, 0.685 4 , 0.799 8, 0.441 6, 0.183 9, 0.538 7, 0.132 7 and 0.188 5, respectively. Spectral red edge and peak and valley characteristics without envelope were more clear and obvious compared with the original spectral curves which suggest that the first derivative played an important role in accurately extracting the Red edge parameters of spectrum characteristics of grassland plants.