Community diversity analysis of Cenchrus pauciflorus under different disturbance in Tongliao and surrounding area
Graphical Abstract
Cenchrus pauciflorus and its accompanying species in four different locations (Forest Park, Gaolintun, Jianguo Village and Bahuta) with different disturbance from human being in Korqin sandy land were investigated by Quadrat method from July to August of 2008. Species composition, coverage, height, density, important value as well as diversity index in the four sites were analyzed to reveal C. pauciflorus and its accompanying species distribution pattern in Korqin sandy land. The results showed that C. pauciflorus had a serious invasion in Jianguo Village and a tiny interference to Forest park. In the plots with serious invasion of C. pauciflorus, there were less species, uneven distribution of plant species, low vegetation coverage, more interference and low biodiversity index. The ecosystem with less interference from human being was more stable in the habitat invaded by C. pauciflorus. The distribution pattern of vegetation had a close relationship with C. pauciflorus.