申枚灵1, 赵翀2, 廖萍3, 李静1, 程雪芬1, 李成成1, 张琴4, 李艳宾4, 张利莉4, 赵珂1

The isolation and identification of endophytic actinobacteria from Glycyrrhiza glabra in the Tarim basin and their stress resistance and ability to promote plant growth
Shen Mei-ling1, Zhao Chong2, Liao Ping3, Li Jing1, Cheng Xue-fen1, Li Cheng-cheng1, Zhang Qin4, Li Yan-bin4, Zhang Li-li4, Zhao Ke1
甘草内生放线菌16S rRNA序列N-J系统发育树分析